NOTES: The following drum patterns are taken from the passages with time changes, in “the variable” section F, of the score Sonic No. 7 & No. 10, for solo derabucca, written by Egyptian American composer and performer Halim El-Dabh (1921-2017). This text is an ekphrasis riff, an appendix to an extended study on the score […]
Tumultuous Convolutions
My ceiling fan morphs into a helicopter My ceiling fan morphs into distant gunshots My ceiling fan morphs into the dense soundscape of a city in rebellion Tear gas Rubber Bullets Water Cannons Helicopters Traffic lights Street Vendors Endless construction noise Church bells A sonic invasion from the past The habitual soundscape of the city […]
Crowds and Experts: An Interview with Omer Shah
In the following interview, Omer Shah, a PhD candidate in Anthropology, at Columbia University, expounds on the ethnographic work he carried out in Saudi Arabia, in and around the holy city of Mecca, between October 2017 and August 2019. By attending to historical and contemporary formations of the crowd, expertise, knowledge production, and the kingdom’s […]
A Loud Voice Never Dies: Songs Across Time and Place
“هاي السنة سنة، مو مثل كل سنة”عزيز علي — “Hay el sana sana, mu mithil kul sana”— Aziz Ali This year is a year, unlike every year. These words could have referred to the bizarre year that 2020 has been, but they were written over sixty years ago. Iraqi singer and “monologuist” Aziz Ali recorded […]
Restraint: Between Fire and the Labyrinth: Jason Mohaghegh
[JASON MOHAGHEGH is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Philosophy at Babson College. His work explores rising poetic, philosophical, and artistic movements across both East and West, with particular focus on concepts of chaos, illusion, violence, disappearance, delirium, silence, madness, apocalypse, night, and futurity. He has published nine books to date–including The Chaotic Imagination (Palgrave, […]
“Bodies Are Always Transmitting”: An Interview with Radio Earth Hold
Kareem Estefan in conversation with Rachel Dedman, Arjuna Neuman, and Lorde Se-lys. The broadcast opens with a command from an unknown source, addressed to a confined listener: Lie very still. It is the summer of 2020 and I am this confined listener, absorbed by my headphones, seated at my desk, in the same position I […]